The medicine field is about treating the whole patient instead of dividing the symptoms into unconnected subcategories. The integrative health and wellbeing field has enough backing from medicinal research that implements cutting-edge science.
At our office in Brooklyn functional medicine uses millennial rich traditions to inform medical professionals of the most important medical decisions. Many people believe that ancient treatment is better because people trusted their body reactions while applying the highest uninterrupted degree of intuition.
Functional medicine is an evidence-based holistic approach to healthcare that allows the creation of personalized treatments. The field prioritizes patient care and treatment of chronic illnesses. Functional medicine gives patients power and provides the most natural remedy to fit into one's natural lifestyle, the dietary, and emotional, the social impact for the long haul.
It is common to refer to functional medicine in the following alternative names:
Functional medicine in Brooklyn is the health approach that allows the patient and practitioner to work together to treat the root issue. We examine your unique health history and lifestyle to create a plan that will restore you to good health.
We use multiple alternative medicine approaches to create the best treatment. We recognize that the body responds well to many different tools to attain sustainable vitality and wellness. Our broad therapies include nutrition, diet, exercise, and the workings of your mind and emotions.
Conventional treatment is not a favorite for many people because it results in side effects. Therefore, people do not understand why they should experience negative aftermath while receiving synthetic drugs. The difference with our healing model is it will get you to the best healthy version without the side effects. Best integrative doctors and holistic nutritionists address the underlying issues and create a long-lasting solution for all imbalances.
Our team helps countless people lead the healthiest lives by reducing the burden of chronic illnesses. Our integrative medicine approach has an innovative care model with in-depth medical evaluations and solutions. You can trust that the functional medicine doctor in Brooklyn will touch on the following critical areas:
Do you want to find a practitioner? Wellness & Functional Medicine has experience treating thousands of patients for a wide array of medical issues. Learn more about our programs on the site to discover how we can work together to create a sustainable healing program and call Dr. GolBerg (Brooklyn: 866-458-0550/Manhattan: 646-866-3933) appointment.