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Our blood is made of two main components, red blood cells, and plasma; which contains white blood cells and platelets which are rich in growth factors.


Growth factors play the role of messengers, signaling skin cells to function. In fact, they’ve been used in medicine to treat a range of health issues, including arthritis, signs of aging, etc. The good news for anyone with thinning hair is that growth factors can help stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair growth.


The use of PRP is a great treatment option for hair loss because it has a number of scientifically based articles showing its efficacy increasing hair count, hair thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle. The treatment has been gaining popularity around the world within the last few years.

Platelet-Rich Plasma | AKA PRP Therapy

As with most procedures, there is a careful process involved in using PRP for hair regrowth, beginning with a standard blood draw from the patient’s arm. Next, the tube of blood is put into a machine called a centrifuge, which spins the blood tube to separate out the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma, rich in platelets, is then injected directly into the scalp at the level of the hair follicles. The process is meticulous — with injections beginning across the scalp, approximately at every half inch over the area of thinning hair — but typically, the entire procedure takes less than a half-hour.

Who It Works For:

Anyone experiencing hair loss is essentially a good candidate for PRP treatments, but those with early hair loss tend to respond best.


PRP is best used for patients with androgenic alopecia, which is a genetically determined type of hair thinning that typically occurs along the top of the head. In women, this might look like a widening part with normal hair thickness at the back of the head.

The Results:

For best results, consistency is key. Treatments are typically performed once a month for the first three to four months, and then every three to six months thereafter, depending on the individual patient’s response and results. Following this protocol, anticipated results can first be seen within two to three months.

Before & Afters
Hair Growth Contact

Hair Growth

Throughout the world, beautiful and healthy hair symbolizes attractiveness, youth, and health, regardless of gender and age. Poor hair quality, and hair loss, resulting in baldness, worsen the psycho-emotional state of a person, affecting, among other things, his quality of life.

Stress, unbalanced diet, chronic lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, poor ecology, etc. - all undoubtedly affects the external and internal state of the body. Hair is one of the first to suffer in this case, becoming weak, split, and lifeless, losing density and volume.

The modern cosmetic market offers a variety of products and methods for the care and hair loss treatment NY. One of the most useful is plasma therapy of the scalp - it is a low-impact and secure technique for repairing hair rate and dining hair loss.

What is plasma enriched with growth factors?

This treatment consists of injecting prp NYC into the scalp in hair loss or thinning areas.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) technology uses "enriched" blood plasma - plasma with a high content of platelet cells. Best hair loss specialist NYC talking about plasma - the liquid part of the blood, which includes proteins, salts, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, and other substances. Blood plasma has been used with great success for more than 30 years in various fields of medicine: in maxillofacial surgery to accelerate wound healing, in orthopedic and cardiovascular surgery, and in dermatology for treating acne and other skin problems. The result is accelerated and aesthetic healing of wounds and scars, physiological revitalization, and cell renewal.

In all these cases, hair loss specialist NYC talking about one technique - alto plasma therapy, or stimulation of the body's protective functions, improving metabolism in tissues by injecting one's blood plasma. The concept of "own" or "autologous" plasma means that it is not foreign or donated but obtained from the patient's blood. Today, autologous plasma is used in aesthetic medicine to treat hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Growth factors

The main platelet growth factors that have a stimulating effect on the cells of the hair follicle are:

  • IGF (insulin-like growth factor) - regulates aging and tissue growth processes due to various effects on target cells (endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine regulation). Influences the onset of the anagen and catagen phases.

  • VEGF - stimulates the formation of blood vessels around the hair follicles and improves tissue nutrition.

  • FGF - is responsible for the reproduction and differentiation of many cells and tissues.

  • EGF is involved in regulating DNA synthesis in the hair cells and bulb's outer root sheath.

Hair receptors sensitive to these factors are located on the cells of the follicles' root membranes and the hair papilla cells (hair bulb). Together, platelet growth factors regulate the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, angiogenesis (the synthesis of new blood vessels), and control the growth and development of the hair follicle.

Therapeutic and aesthetic effects after hair plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is a very effective procedure aimed at improving the quality and structure of hair, incredibly long hair. After a course of procedures, the hair becomes shinier, soft, and silky and stops splitting and breaking.

PRP in NYC is perfect for those who have oily hair or dry scalp. The procedure helps remove oily sheen; the scalp stops itching and flaking.

The course of plasma therapy procedures for the skin of the scalp stops intensive hair loss and promotes the active growth of new ones.


Indications for the procedure:

  • hair loss of any type (androgenic, nested, diffuse);

  • preparation for hair transplant surgery and recovery after it;

  • slow hair growth;

  • chronic diseases of the scalp (psoriasis, seborrhea, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis);

  • deterioration in the quality and appearance of hair (dullness, thinning, brittleness, thinning).


It is not required to carry out the process in the hair loss doctor nyc of the subsequent contraindications:

  • low platelet count in the blood;

  • psycho-emotional disorders;

  • oncological diseases;

  • taking corticosteroids and blood thinners;

  • gestation and breastfeeding time.

With what hair treatment methods can plasma therapy be combined

Plasma therapy is also practical as an independent process and perfectly combined with external, systemic medical preparations and other procedures for the best result.

With such a complex hair and hair loss treatment NYC, the result is enhanced and even more pronounced.

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